Iowa legislature advances community solar bill

On February 11, HSB 81The fact that a new community result in Iowa would set up is unanimously fainted from the House Commerce Committee (23-0)-a week after unanimous from subcommittee (3-0). The legislation sponsored by Huishandelstoel Shannon Lundgren now goes for the entire house of the Iowa Legislature.

This legislation, which will soon be accompanied by an accompanying bill in the Senate, will set up a new energy program that will offer Iowa families more choices and lower costs when it comes to their utility accounts. It will also expand the economic opportunities throughout the state, also for small family farmers that can install projects without jeopardizing their crops.

“Our Community Solar Initiative offers Iowans more affordable energy options that serve as a part of a broader, holistic energy strategy,” said Hans representative Hans Wilz. “By implementing this solution, we want to generate cost savings for Iowans. In addition, the smaller scale makes it well suited for Brownfield spaces, under-utilized areas that currently have no other feasible use, so that efficiency and sustainability are maximized. “

Community Solar is an energy solution that enables everyone with an electricity bill to choose affordable, locally generated solar energy, to encourage new competition on the energy market, to offer more energy choices for consumers and to strengthen the grid for everyone. Individuals, local companies, schools and other subscribers sign up for a certain number of energy from a project and then receive a credit on their energy bill, with guaranteed invoice savings.

“The legislators of Iowa have just sent a powerful message: community solar is not about politics, it is about common sense,” said Matthew Hargarts, VP of the government and public affairs at the Coalition for Community Solar Access (CCSA). “Today’s unanimous mood shows that expanding access to affordable, locally produced energy is a victory for consumers, farmers and companies. Now we are insisting on the entire legislative power to keep the momentum going and to make community -zonne -Zonne -Energy a reality for Iowans. “

News item from the Coalition for Community Solar Access (CCSA)

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